Basketball (Boys V & JV) Basketball (Boys V) Basketball (Boys JV)

Boys Basketball: FUTURE ROYALS NIGHT, 1/10

By Jim Self | Jan 8, 2025 2:15 PM

Parents and Future Royals, Thank you for your dedication and support of HSE basketball. We are excited to host FUTURE ROYALS NIGHT during our varsity game on Friday, Jan. 10 at home vs. Lawrence Central! This is an awesome night for our Future Royals to see our varsity basketball team play. Future Royals Night is an important opportunity for our Jr High players to meet and talk to our varsity coaching staff, our varsity basketball players, and see what being a Royal is like. We feel this is a great chance for kids to make connections with their favorite varsity Royals and get a chance to see our locker room and meet our coaching staff. We look forward to seeing you Saturday! Coach John Ashworth GAME PLAN 6:00pm – Please arrive by 6:00pm - Enter Door #10 at the Athletics Entrance at HSE. Jr High Coaches will help direct players to the weight room. During this time, Future Royals will first get a chance to talk to our basketball coaches, weight training coach, and some of our varsity basketball players about what it means to be a ROYAL. Players will get in free, just mention your name and that you are on the Jr High basketball roster and attending for Future Royals Night. Parents attending the game will need to purchase tickets (the ticket link is provided below) I will forward the ticket link to Jr High coaches and AD’s as well. 6:30pm - During Half-Time of the JV game, the Jr High groups will be taken back by Coach Ashworth to go into the locker room and meet and talk to players and coaching staff. 7:00pm – Before the end of the JV game, our Future Royals and coaches should organize in the hallway just outside the gym on the HSE bench side. Players and coaches will be introduced and brought out before the varsity game. 7:10pm - During the HSE boys varsity game, the Jr. High teams should organize and sit in the bleacher rows behind the HSE Varsity bench. Our JV team should be located there as well, so they can sit behind our high school players in their teams. The Boys Varsity game will start around 7:30pm. Recommended pick up time after the varsity game would be around 9:00/9:15pm Ticket Link: If you have any questions, please contact your Jr. High coaches or athletic directors. We look forward to seeing you Friday, Jan 10 and go Royals!!